5 tricks if there is a BUG on your website

What are Bugs?

Before we enter the tips for overcoming bugs on the website, we must first know what a bug is. Actually literally, bug is derived from the word in English which means insect. However, in the world of technology it is not that but a disturbance that occurs in a system. Usually programmers call it an error in the application or website they are working on or they get.

In the world of technology, an explanation of a bug is an error or damage that occurs that causes a website or software not to run properly. There is some damage that usually occurs.

Like, hangs or freezes, it can also be a blue screen, the screen turns black until it turns off by itself. The causes are many . Even a Bill Gates has experienced it when attending a presentation introduction to Windows 98.

You as a blogger or also a webmaster is certainly annoying to meet this. This not only affects the performance of your website but also provides a fairly dangerous loophole for your website.

Usually there will be a notification if an error occurs on your website and application. The first thing you do is stay calm and find out first. You can also check the connection, server state and more.

How to Overcome Bugs on the Website

If there is a possible notification that your website has found a bug. We recommend doing the following steps. Although you probably haven't figured out if it's a bug or not.

1. Do a Website Backup
The most important and important thing you should do is make a backup on the website that you have. Better yet, if you have a regular schedule for doing backups. So if something happens you can restore data.

2. Plugin Cleaning
Deactive plugins add to the load on the website. In addition, it is also possible if the plugin has a conflict on the website. This is also a gap for bugs and also website security that can be penetrated by hackers. Deactive plugins that you don't need should be removed when not in use.

3. Change the Theme / Template
If you are a blogger and want to use attractive templates, remember to be careful using templates that have not been reviewed by WordPress.

Usually bugs also occur in unverified website template gaps. We also recommend regularly updating the blog to the latest version.

But you need to pay attention to many things first before replacing, there will be a risk of errors and bugs that will certainly harm your website. If you use a free template, we highly recommend that you immediately change it with a template that is proven to be safe.

4. Learn Data Security
One other effort to avoid things related to hackers and data breaches is to learn things related to data security. You can learn basic things first, for example, about using passwords, OTP, and also other sensitive data.

5. Don't be easy to believe
Some websites may recommend you, looking for people to help solve your website problems. However, even so, we recommend that you remain vigilant when giving access to someone or even a service provider. Make sure the service provider is an institution that is credible, we can trust, and has certification which if violated will be related to law etc. We need to remember this well so that the resolution of the bug problem is resolved.

Can Cracks in Website Systems?
If you get notifications from the openbugbounty.org website. It's a good idea to review the security of your website again. Like removing plugins that are suspicious and dangerous. In addition, it is also recommended to contact the party who made the website report. For example the openbugbounty website. Not only that, we also recommend asking a friend who you trust in processing the web to ask if this is true.

Apa itu Open Bug Bounty ?
Open Bug Bounty merupakan sebuah situs yang memberikan layanan bagi seorang Bug Hunter atau juga bisa disebut sebagai Hacker White Hat sebagai sarana berkomunikasi pihak ketiga untuk melaporkan penemuan bug pada Webmaster ataupun Developer Program Aplikasi.

Nah, situs ini sangat membantu dalam menjaga serta meningkatkan kemananan web ataupun aplikasi. Ada dua jenis celah yang paling umum berakibat pada website publik seperti “Improper Access Control” dan XSS (Cross Site Scripting). Pada dasarnya Bug Hunter mendapatkan keuntungan berupa kompensasi dari pengembang aplikasi ataupun pemilik website karena telah melaporkan adanya bug ataupun celah. Kompensasi yang mereka berikan biasanya dinegosiasikan atau juga semampunya, hal ini merupakan etika untuk membalas kebaikan seseorang karena menghindarkan kita dari kemungkinan buruk jika celah itu dimasuki hacker yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Apabila Anda mendapatkan bug pada website langkah -langkah sebelumnya adalah tips untuk anda mengatasinya agar anda tetap tenang. Mengingat, permasalahan bug dan error memiliki banyak penyebab dan sebisa mungkin kita mengatasinya secepat mungkin apalagi berkaitan dengan website dan aplikasi yang digunakan oleh publik. Semoga tips mengatasi bug pada website ini membantu Anda.

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