What is HTML?

HTML is an abbreviation of HyperText Markup Language, which is a web language or internet markup that comes from a combination of text and information in the form of symbols or codes that will be inserted into a file to create a web page. Briefly know HTML is an internet markup language that is useful for creating a website.

Through browser applications or internet explorers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, websites that have been created via HTML will be visible to anyone who is connected to the internet network. In recognizing HTML, you can display various information in software on a web browser and also hypertext formatting written in ASCII or the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Get to know how HTML works

For how it works itself, getting to know HTML is not a difficult thing because HTML is a document that is also similar to writing an ordinary document. It's just that in HTML there are codes that have certain instructions known as TAGs as explained in the description above.

In getting to know HTML, the focus is more on describing the structure of components and also the formatting of a web page. On the other hand, web browsers are useful in terms of interpreting the arrangement of pages using color, and the type of text, lines, and text that you want to appear on a web page.

By using HTML, it really helps its users in setting the format or appearance of the file that will be sent via the media. Not only that, when determining the format of a file, it can also display several groups of words with several sizes which are then used as titles or headings.

Then it is also possible to display a group of words in bold, italic, or change the size of the writing to be one of the desired characters. Please note that if the HTML document file has an extension with the .html or .htm suffix, it can be viewed using any web browser, for example through Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome. Generally, each HTML page on a web browser will include a different page.

A collection of tags in HTML

The following is a list of tags that are often used when we want to create HTML files:

HTML_Tags Collection

The following is a list of tags that are often used when we want to create HTML files:


Tag Name Description / Use
<!DOCTYPE> Tag to specify document type
<html> Tag to create an HTML document
<title> Tag to make the title of a page
<body> Tag to make the body of a page
<h1> to <h6> Tag to create heading
<p> Tag for paragraphs
<br> Inserting a single line break
<hr> Tag to make basic changes to words in the body
<!–…–> Comment tag
<acronym> Tag to create an acronym (not supported in HTML5)
<abbr> Tag to create an abbreviation
<address> Tag to create address contact
<b> Tag to make font bold
<bdi> Isolates part of the text that can be formatted in a different direction from the rest of the text outside it (new HTML5 tag)
<bdo> Change text direction
<big> Tag to capitalize text (not supported in HTML5)
<blockquote> Tag to create a piece of text quoted from another source
<center> Center of text (not supported in HTML5)
<cite> Tag to create a title
<code> Tag to create computer code snippets between text
<del> Tag to create text that has been removed from the document
<dfn> Tag to create a definition term
<em> A tag for emphasizing text (not supported in HTML5)
<font> Tag to create font, color and size for text (not supported in HTML5)
<i> Tag to create a section of text to match the mood
<ins> Tag to create text that has been inserted into the document
<kbd> Tag for making keyboard input
<mark> Tag to create highlighted/tagged text (new HTML5 tag)
<meter> Tag to create scalar measurements
<pre> Tag for formatting text
<progress> Show progress of tasks (new HTML5 tag)
<q> Tag for short quotes
<rp> Tag to render what should be displayed in browsers that don't support ruby ​​annotations (new HTML5 tag)
<rt> Tag to annotate / pronounce a character (for East Asian typography)
<ruby> Tag to create a ruby ​​annotation (for East Asian typography) (new HTML5 tag)
<s> Tag to render text that is no longer correct
<samp> Tag for sample output of a computer program
<small> Tag to make text small
<strike> Centered text tag (not supported in HTML5)
<strong> Tag to make text important
<sub> Tag for subscript text (as in writing Chemistry)
<sup> Tag for superscripted text (as in square root writing)
<time> Tag to create date/time (new HTML5 tag)
<tt> Tag to create teletype text (not supported in HTML5)
<u> Tag to create text that has a different Style from other plain text
<var> Tag to create a variable
<wbr> Tag to make possible dashes
<form> Tag to create an HTML form for user input
<input> Tag to create an input control
<textarea> Tag to create a multiline input control (text area)
<button> Tag to make a button clickable
<select> Tag to create a drop-down list
<optgroup> Tag to create a group of related options in a drop-down list
<option> Tag to make selection in drop-down list
<label> Tag to create a label for an element <input>
<fieldset> Group related elements in a shape
<legend> Tag to create a caption for an element <fieldset>, < figure>, or <details>
<datalist> Specifies a list of predefined options for input controls (new HTML5 tag)
<keygen> Tag to create input field generator key-pair (new HTML5 tag)
<output> Tag to generate calculation results (new HTML5 tag)
<frame> Tag to create a window in a frameset (not supported in HTML5)
<frameset> Tag to create a set of frames (not supported in HTML5)
<noframes> Tag to create an alternative content for users who don't support frames (not supported in HTML5)
<iframe> Tag to create a frame
<img> Tag to create an image
<map> Tag to create a map-image
<area> Tag to create area in map-draw
<canvas> Used to draw graphics, via scripting (JavaScript ) (new HTML5 tag)
<figcaption> Tag to create a caption for the <figure> (new HTML5 tag)
<figure> Define standalone content (new HTML5 tag)
<audio> Tag for voiceover (new HTML5 tag)
<source> Tag to create multiple media sources for media elements (<video> and <audio>) (new HTML5 tag)</ td>
<track> Tag for creating text tracks for media elements (<video> and <audio>) (new HTML5 tag)</td >
<video> Tag to create a video or movie (new HTML5 tag)
<a> Tag to create hyperlink
<link> Tag to create links between documents and external resources (most commonly used for links to style sheets)
<nav> Tag to create link navigation (new HTML5 tag)
<ul> Tag to create lists with other than numbers
<ol> Tag for list by number
<li> Tag to create a list item
<dir> Tag to create a directory listing (not supported in HTML5)
<dl> Tag to create a definition list
<dt> Tag to create term (item) in definition list
<dd> Defines a description of an item in a definition list
<menu> Tag to create descriptions of items in the definition list
<command> Tag to create a command button that a user can request (new HTML5 tag)
<table> Tag to create table
<caption> Tag to create a table caption
<th> Tag to create a table header cell
<tr> Tag to create rows in a table
<td> Tag to create cells in a table
<thead> Group header content in a table
<tbody> Group body content in a table
<tfoot> Group footer contents in a table
<col> Specifies column properties for each column in the <colgroup>
<colgroup> Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table to be formatted
<style> Tag to create style information for the document
<div> Tag to create a section in the document
<span> Tag to create a section in the document
<header> Tag to create a header for a document or section (new HTML5 tag)
<footer> Tag to create a footer for a document or section (new HTML5 tag)
<hgroup> Heading element grouping (<h1> to <h6>) (new HTML5 tag)
<section> Tag to create sections in the document (new HTML5 tag)
<article> Tag to create an article (new HTML5 tag)
<side> Tag to create content other than page content (new HTML5 tag)
<details> Tag to create additional details that users can see or hide (new HTML5 tag)
<dialog> Tag to create a dialog box or window (new HTML5 tag)
<summary> Tag to make a title visible for <details> (new HTML5 tag)
Meta Info  
<head> Tag to create information about the document
<meta> Tag to create metadata about HTML documents
<base> Specifies base/target URLs for all relative URLs in the document
<basefont> Specifies the default color, size, and font for all text in a document (not supported in HTML5)
<script> Tag for scripting on client side
<noscript> Tag to create an alternative content for users who don't support scripting on the client side
<applet> Tag for creating an embedded java applet (not supported in HTML5)
<embed> Tag to create a container for external (non-HTML) applications (new HTML5 tag)
<object> Tag to create an embedded object
<param> Tag to create a parameter for an object
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