What is SSH?

SSH (Secure Shell) or FTP (File Transfer Protocol), both are network protocols that run above TCP/IP Layer. But now what we want to discuss is SSH. Maybe there are still many who don't understand or don't know at all what SSH is, for that, let's talk about what SSH is, what are the benefits and advantages of using SSH.

Understanding SSH (Secure Shell)

Secure Sheel / SSH is a replacement application for remote logins such as telnet, rsh, and rlogin, which is much more secure. The main function of this application is to access the machine remotely. Just like telnet, SSH Client provides the User with a Shell to remotely to the machine. Unlike telnet, SSH provides an encrypted connection between the client and the server. In practice, using telnet and ssh is like the difference from accessing a regular website with a more secure website (HTTPS).

Benefits of Using SSH

By using SSH you can move freely through the file structure of the hosting account. You can also perform tasks such as monitoring log files and starting or stopping services (applies to VPS / Dedicated services). You can even use it to install software to your hosting account or manage MySQL databases. SSH allows you to do a lot more than web standards.

Advantages of Using SSH

SSH allows encrypting data so that it is possible for malicious users to not be able to access user and password information. SSH also allows bypassing other protocols such as FTP.

Here are some specifics that SSH provides protection :

  • DNS Spoofing
    This type of hacking attack is carried out by entering data in the Domain System where the Name Server caches the database. This will cause the Name Server to return to the wrong IP so that it can redirect traffic to other computers.
  • Manipulating data like routers along a network
    Attackers get or change data on intermediaries along network routes. This is often done on routers where data enters from a gateway or checkpoint on the way to the destination.
  • IP Address Spoofing
    IP Spoofing works by hiding IP addresses by creating IP packets containing fake IP addresses in an attempt to impersonate other connections and hide your identity when you send information.
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